Sea-Base Aquariums

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies Sea-Base Aquariums. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment and pet store. You can find Sea-Base Aquariums at 67 Bells Road, Woongarra, Queensland 4670.


Postal address:
67 Bells Road, Woongarra, Queensland 4670
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Phone number:
+61 7 4151 3966

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Establishment   Pet store  

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We do not have information about the time of work.

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Reviews about Sea-Base Aquariums

  • Enya Xu
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    I've got a fighter fish and he had a 'tumor' growing on him for more than 6 months. I've taken him to various pet shops and spent hundreds of dollars on various on shelf medication for him, bacteria treatment, fungal treatment, white spots etc, even increase aquarium salt level to 5g/L, did nothing to get rid of the 'tumor', which just keeps growing. Most people said it's a tumor or guess it might be some sort of parasitic tumor, but none could give me a definite answer. Many say if I need a definite answer I'll have to get a vet to do a biopsy on him which could cost me hundreds of dollars, which really put me off to seek further professional advice. Until I heard about this place and the experienced qualified marine biologist took a scrap of my fish and diagnosed the problem within 10 minutes. He prescribed the proper medication and the whole consultation and medication only cost me $15 dollars, that's all. I also find the stock they sell are generally a few dollars cheaper than other retail pet shops. The staff is very friendly and extremely knowledgeable. As they said to me they do not do 'eye diagnose' to recommend medication, they always rely on precise scientific method to find out the exact problem of the fishes. I highly recommend this place for all fish lovers and those who are frustrated with their fish problems and still seeking in the dark looking for the most suitable problem for their fish. Do not do self diagnose or 'eye diagnose', take your fish to them, it's very economical and your fish will have the best chance to survive.
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Aquariums and Fish Supplies. Seabase Aquariums BundabergSea-base Aquariums
Bundaberg Aquariums, fish tanks, aquarium filters, marine fish, aquarium fish : Aquarium & fish supplies. Aquarium & fish products.

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